Posts with tag: "10 on 10, monthly, photographers, circle"
Friday, January 09
By Alishia
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It's 2015, and I'm going to try something new.  I'm going to blog.  At least once a month, on the 10th of each month, and I'll be sharing 10 images.  Now, I've never been very good at this whole blogging tends to get pushed the wayside when I've got other things to do, so even just this once a month post is going to be a challenge for me.  I'll try to make it entertaining, or at least give you a few nice pictures to glance at, and I hope you'll follow along with me and my fellow photographer friends that have volunteered to do a 10-on-10 as well, and enjoy our journey through this new year.  A link to one of my friends will follow at the bottom of this post and every 10-on-10 post from here on out.  

So, without further ado, please enjoy my favorite 10 images from 2014 as I begin this journey into blogging.

We started this year out preparing to leave South Korea, which was such a wondeful experience for our family!

My middle son, January of 2014                                                                Namdaemun Market


Our daughter got very sick with a stomach virus just a week before we were to leave South Korea and was admitted to the hospital.  She was released just 2 days before we were on a plane, headed back to the U.S.  I actually took these images with my iPhone 4s and then combined and edited them using editing software, so even though the quality isn't the best, it's still a favorite to capture this moment.

We arrived back in the U.S. just in time for spring and Easter:


May found us visiting friends in the South, on our way to Louisiana:


And the summertime was spent being thankful that we were stationed close to our family


Fall closed in quick and my oldest son celebrated his 13th birthday and thus began the busy season of family photos for the Christmas season.


My favorite image of the fall, a collaberation between my son (who was up above her dropping leaves into the frame) and my daughter who stood there gracefully waiting and trusting for me to get the shot:

Finally, this was a lens test fo the 105mm f/2 and the light in our new house...and I couldn't believe the shot that developed...moody and deep and one of my all-time favorites:


Please visit my uberly talented friend Irene's blog at, , and continue following the links at the bottom of her blog and each blog, to view work from other amazing photographers!  Here's to a wonderful start to this New Year!